Stefan Wurz is born in 1964 in Karlsruhe. His musical education begins with classical piano lessons. He teaches himself how to play the guitar and the drums. For more than twenty years he plays as a musician in various rock, pop and blues bands. In 2000 his musicological work „KUNDRY, SALOME, LULU – Femmes fatales im Musikdrama“ is published.
Stefan Wurz free-lances as pianist, arranger, producer, musical director and musical educator, for instance at the State Opera House Hannover, at the State Theater Kassel, for the publishing house Felix Bloch Erben, at the University and the Music School Hildesheim as well as various national and international productions.
His most prominent passion however ist the composition of modern musical theater. Both of the rock musicals ALICE after Lewis Carroll (1992, Libretto: Martin Doll) and SCHÖNE NEUE WELT (Wonderful New World) after Aldous Huxley (1994, Libretto: Roland Maier) are produced and performed by the BOB’SHE’BOB- MUSIKTHEATER, (co-)founded by Stefan Wurz. Both are among the most prosperous productions of the Pforzheimer Theaterszene and were both released on CD.
The Splatter Opera (completed in 2003) DA CAPO AL FINE (Libretto: Klemens J. Brysch) is presented at the musical contest „Works in Progress“ 2002 in Hamburg and receives an enthusiastic response by the expert audience.
ROCKQUIEM – a rock show based on Mozart‘s Requiem – debuts on August 3rd in 2003 in Prague. It has now been performed in Italy, Norway and Hungary, always under the musical direction of Stefan Wurz. He has also worked effectually as a solo- pianist on this show. Further world wide productions. In 2010 arrived the successful first debut performance in Germany.
HELLE NÄCHTE (Bright Nights), is a romantic musical based on Dostoyevsky (Libretto: Martin Doll). It premieres in Pforzheim on the 13.07.2006 and is celebrated by both press and audience alike. Numerous guest performances throughout Germany follow.
BRANDNACHT – a youth rock musical (Libretto: Martin Doll) is presented on August 7th 2010 as Open-Air-Spectacle in Bockenem near Hildesheim and enthrills the audience. 2011 it re-opens at the TfN in Hildesheim.
THE VIRTUAL MIRROR – The Genuine Rock’n’Gamez Cross-Opera (Libretto: Wolfgang Walk) is still in progress yet causing quite the stir around Germany’s musical theatre landscape, especially through being an achieving finalist at the MUT– Contest in Munich and the presentation at ofMuTH-Kostprobe in Vienna.
Besides establishing himself in musical drama Stefan Wurz has taken to increasingly write instrumental works such as AMERICAN JESUS SUITE for String Quartet based on Songs performed by Michael Jackson (2011) and CREDO – eine musikalische Auseinandersetzung für Kirchenorgel und E-Gitarre (A Musical Contention for Church Organ and Electric Guitar) (2011). In 2015 he writes the assignment compositions HANNOVER SOUNDS – Eine Stadtklangsymphonie (A Symphony of City Sounds) for the State Opera House Hannover and TIME CHANGES – Ein Konzert für Baglama (Baglama in Concert), electric guitar, rock band and orchestra for the Music School and the anniversary of the City of Hildesheim. In 2017 CROSSING BRIDGES follows for State Theater Kassel.
Stefan Wurz experiences music in the scope of tension between earnest „classical“ or as the case may be „new“ music and „light“ music such as jazz, rock and pop. His compositions liaise the wide knowledge of classical and modern principles of composing – acquired through his musicological studies – and the feeling of rock, jazz and world music.